
Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Unibright, Business Integration Under Blockchain Technology

If there is one thing we can be thankful for with intelligent contracts and blocking technology, it is that more and more companies are moving to a new level, in a new direction, where the transparency and anonymity of all transactions stands out. The block system means a data structure, a linked list. Each element or block is inextricably linked to its predecessor using cryptographic methods. They define functions in the block contents and verify the result in the following. This chain is constantly growing, because with each new block and transaction a new set of records is added in linear chronological order.    The application of advanced technologies offers excellent opportunities for maximum optimization of a large number of business processes. Real-time cash payments, banking services, as well as virtual currencies have already become part of our lives, so Unibright technology can optimize these processes as much as possible. The fact that special intelligent c...

KRIPTON: Africa's first encryption loan service

In developing countries, micro-loans enable poor people to become small businesses and improve their finances. The meaning is to quickly and easily grant small monetary theory to consumers in a short period of time. In recent years, microfinance has proven effective in providing affordable financial services to the poor of the population. It is also worth noting that many developing countries use microcredit as a useful tool for the maintenance of SMEs. Microfinance is the only way for young entrepreneurs to start their own business or expand existing businesses. Microfinance services have positive and negative aspects. Benefits to customers are to minimize the time it takes to get paid and to the simplicity and availability of the procedures offered by many financial institutions today. The problem is microcredit - meeting the financial needs of current and current customers. Speaking of the drawbacks of microcredit, the hired person is worth mentioning, among other things, the lend...

Betrium - Future of Gambling

Betrium  - is the solution developed by group of entrepreneurs and MIT & MIPT graduates offering the first partly-decentralized worldwide betting service (betting exchange & sportsbook) with zero-commisions accepting crypto-currencies and offering platform for event organizers, developers and third-party service providers. The solution is Betrium. — Betrium accept crypto-currencies from all around the world. — We can process bets fast on our decentralized platform. — We stabilize crypto-currencies volatility. — We offer the lowest commission and the most profitable odds possible. — We optimize our customers’ taxes and fees. — We provide platform for event organizers (such as esports streamers, sport leagues etc.), so they create own matches/games on a blockchain and can earn money. — Finally, Betrium is 20% more profitable for customers than any other service. FAQ   How do I buy Betrium tokens? -It is easy! Tap Contribute button to see instructions. Also, we ...


I AM HERO PLATFORM The platform is very intuitive, simple and straightforward while also removing any obstacles that can arise that are relevant to direct communication between contacts to and from each Candidate (Hero) and Potential Entrepreneur ME HERO? Iamhero was created to solve major problems that have plagued the job search industry from the beginning. We studied all the most important elements about job search service users, the methods and resources available to jobseekers, employers and freelancers. A team of highly qualified professional programmers have been innovating and optimizing AIdriven's matching machines on a secure base platform for over a year while developing an optimal solution for solving and troubleshooting jobtellers exposed in methods, resources, efficacy, cost efficiency, processing speed, internet & mobile compatibility, social media connectivity, communication optimization, database security, aesthetic visual quality, global scalabil...

Unlocking the real potential of blockchain

The stock photo — it the media market connecting those to whom images are necessary for various projects, and those who are capable of creating them, i.e., authors. The technology of this business is simple, three parties participate in the process: on the one hand, photographers who develop photos, on the other hand, advertising agencies, magazines or just those who wish to get this photo, from the third side the photobanks as a bridge between photographers and people interested in their work. Now for photographers or designers, there aren’t a lot of options which allow earning money from the sale of the digital work. For this group of artists, there are platforms, such as Shutterstock and Adobe Stock. It is also possible to call these platforms microstock. The microstock is an Internet resource, or merely the website on which authors post the works for the subsequent sale. But problems for the sellers using such microstock are the impossibility to establish their prices, l...